October 17-21 2022 | Singapore

Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines for ISMAR Poster Papers

Note: The Poster Paper deadline is June 20, 2022 (23:59 AoE). A complete poster paper submission including paper and supplementary files should be made before this deadline.

Note: All conference paper submissions, as well as Poster Papers should be formatted as ISMAR Conference Proceedings papers. ISMAR uses a DOUBLE-BLIND review process. This means that both the authors and the reviewers must remain anonymous to each other. Submissions (including citations and optional videos) must not contain information that identifies the authors, their institutions, funding sources, or their places of work. Relevant previous work by the authors must be cited in the third person to preserve anonymity.

All submissions must be done electronically. Note that the use of a teaser image in papers is encouraged.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information.

ISMAR 2022 Science & Technology Poster Papers Chairs
[email protected]

Submission Method:

S&T Conference Papers and Poster Papers is via PCS


All Poster Paper submissions should be formatted using the IEEE Computer Society VGTC format described here.

Page Length:

Conference Poster Papers: 2-6 pages of text, including references.

Size and Margins:

It is very important to follow these margins exactly or you run the risk of losing text when the final paper is produced at a smaller trim size.

  • Paper Size: 8.5 inches by 11.0 inches (21.59cm by 27.94cm)
  • Top Margin: 0.75 inch (1.905 cm)
  • Bottom Margin: 1.0 inch (2.54 cm)
  • Left Margin: 0.75 inch (1.905 cm)
  • Right Margin: 0.75 inch (1.905 cm)
  • Columns: Two (2) columns, each 3.33 inches (8.46 cm) wide
  • Column Gutter: 0.34 inches (0.84 cm) column gutter


  • Title Text: 14.5pt Helvetica (or Arial), bold, centered
  • Capitalize the first letter of nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs; do not capitalize articles, coordinate conjunctions, or prepositions (unless the title begins with such a word). Capitalize the second word in compound words if it is a noun or proper adjective or the words have equal weight (Cross-Reference, Run-Time).
  • Leave two blank lines after the title.

Author Information and Affiliation: (Only for camera-ready version; should be anonymous during submission):

  • Author Names: 10pt Helvetica (or Arial), centered.
  • Multiple authors: multiple columns.
  • Affiliation should include full names, company/institution identification, and email addresses.
  • Affiliations are centered below each author name in 8pt, not bold.
  • Include email addresses as a footnote with a horizontal rule above the footnote area.
  • Follow the author information by two blank lines before the main text.

Copyright Space:

  • A 0.5 inch (1.18 cm) space must be left at the bottom of the left column on the first page of the paper for the copyright information added during the printing process.


  • The word “ABSTRACT”: 9pt Helvetica (or Arial), bold, flush left, NOT numbered, small caps, abstract content begins on a new line.
  • Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman, justified on 10pt leading; up to 3 in. (7.62 cm) long. Leave one blank line after the abstract.


  • The word “Keywords”: 9pt Times or Times Roman, bold, flush left, NOT numbered.
  • Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman, justified on 10pt leading
  • Capitalize the first letter of the first keyword.
  • Include a period (.) at the end of the keywords.
  • A list of relevant keywords should be included at the end of the abstract.

Index Terms:

  • The words “Index Terms”: 9pt Times or Times Roman, bold, flush left, NOT numbered
  • Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman, justified on 10pt leading
  • Descriptors from the ACM Computing Classification System, located at https://www.acm.org/about/class/class/2012, should be used.
  • A list of relevant index terms should be included after the keywords.


  • Section Headings: 9pt Helvetica (or Arial), bold, flush left, numbered, small caps
  • Subsection Headings: 9pt Helvetica (or Arial), bold, flush left, numbered
  • Sub-subsection Headings: 9pt Helvetica (or Arial), flush left, numbered

Body Text:

  • 9pt Times or Times Roman, justified on 10pt leading
  • Indent all paragraphs by 1em (roughly 3mm) except the first one under a heading
  • No blank lines between paragraphs

Caption Text:

  • 8pt Helvetica (or Arial)
  • Capitalize only the first word of each figure caption.
  • Capitalize in sentence case for a table title/caption; try to limit the table captions to a simple title and not a full description.
  • Figures and tables must be numbered separately and should be labelled ‘Figure:’ or ‘Table:’ (note the use of a colon NOT a period).
  • Figure captions are to be centered below the figures. When the caption expands across multiple lines, it should become flush left.
  • Table titles/captions are to be centered above the tables.

Acknowledgments (Only for camera-ready version; should not be mentioned during submission):

  • Word “ACKNOWLEDGMENTS”: 9pt Helvetica (or Arial), bold, flush left,NOT numbered, small caps
  • Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman, justified on 10pt leading
  • In the USA, it is spelled ‘acknowledgments’, without the ‘e’ after the ‘g’. Since the IEEE is a USA based society, we would recommend having it spelled ‘acknowledgments’ and have done that in our template. However, for the rest of the world, we will not correct it in conference papers – we also allow the spelling ‘acknowledgements’ with an ‘e’ after the ‘g’.

Citations and References:

  • Word “REFERENCES”: 9pt Helvetica (or Arial), bold, flush left, NOT numbered, small caps
  • Body Text: 9pt Times or Times Roman, justified on 10pt leading
  • List of references: 8pt Times or Times Roman on 9.5pt leading
  • When referenced in the text, enclose the citation number in square brackets, for example [1].
  • Where appropriate, include the name(s) of editors of referenced books.


[1] Albert B. Smith, Christopher D. Jones, and Egon F. Roberts, “Article Title”, Journal, Publisher, Location, pp. 1-10, Date.

[2] Christopher D. Jones, Albert B. Smith, and Egon F. Roberts, Book Title, Publisher, Location, Date.

[3] Christopher D. Jones, Albert B. Smith, and Egon F. Roberts, “Chapter Title”, Book Title, Book Editors, Publisher, Location, Date.2