October 17-21 2022 | Singapore

Call for “Pitch Your Lab”

We invite research groups from all areas of virtual reality, augmented reality, mixed reality, extended reality and 3D User Interface to submit a “Pitch Your Lab” proposal at the IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality 2022 (ISMAR 2022). Past ISMAR conferences attest that knowing the people and projects of a group helps promote its reputation, facilitates potential collaborations and hiring of talent.

To apply, please submit a one-page PDF document containing the following sections: 1) name of the group and affiliation; 2) a link to the lab webpage, contact person and email; 3) description of the group including, for example, research areas, equipment, current research projects, industrial and academic collaborations, recently completed works, representative images, university/city highlights; 4) current open positions (if any).The document will not be included in the ISMAR proceedings. However, the lab name and contact information will be made available on the ISMAR 2022 website.

Accepted submissions will be orally presented at the conference in a dedicated “Pitch Your Lab” session, where each lab has 10 minutes to do the showcase, and 10 minutes for questions. We hope to meet all presenters in person at conference, unless travel is not possible due to COVID-19. There will also be a chance to do a 1-minute pitch after a main event to publicize your lab to the wider audience.

Submissions and questions can be directed to the “Pitch Your Lab” chair at: [email protected]

Important Dates

  • Lab Presentation Submission Deadline: September 2nd, 2022 (Friday)
  • Lab Presentation Notification of Acceptance: September 16th, 2022 (Friday)

Pitch Your Lab Chair
Huang Zhiyong, National University of Singapore
Louis Fong Wee Teck, Institute for Infocomm Research, A*STAR